3rd-5th Math
Elementary Grading Policy 17-18
 ELA, reading, and math grades will be weighted at 40%
tests/assessments and 60% daily work.
 Science and social studies grades will be weighted equally.
 A minimum 10 grades will be taken in a six week period per
 Two points will be taken off each day that an assignment is late.
Late work will NOT be accepted after 5 days.
 Grades are updated weekly.
 Students who score 69 or below on an assessment may correct
their assessment in pen at home or before school. The
correction grade will be averaged with the original assessment
grade for up to a 70.
 Teachers will be remediating for failed TEKS during the
intervention time, this will NOT change their assessment grade.
 Missing work will be entered into the gradebook as an “M” and if
not returned the student will receive a zero after 5 days.
 Academic honesty includes cheating, copying the work of another
student or author and unauthorized communicating during an
examination. Students found to have engaged in academic
dishonesty should be given a grade of 0 for the assignment.
 Morning tutorials and study hall will be available daily for
students to work on missing assignments. *See your teacher’s
morning duty schedule for days they will not be in the room.
 Please check and follow your child’s grades weekly on Gradebook.
 No extra credit will be given in elementary school.

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