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Hunt ISD

Pre-K Family Engagement Plan


Introduction:The purpose of the family engagement plan is to achieve and maintain high levels of family involvement and positive family attitudes towards education.  We believe that family engagement is the mutual responsibility of families, the school, and our community.  Our goal is to create a foundation for the collaboration of mutual partners, embrace the individuality and uniqueness of families, and promote a culture of learning that is child centered, age appropriate, and family driven.


Family Engagement Goal


Family-toFamily Support

  • Bilingual staff member available to translate

  • Encourage families to volunteer in classroom

  • Teachers utilize district website and social media platforms (ex: Dojo) to share information with families

  • Teachers organize and host class and school activity events and extend invitations to families of students (ex: Muffins with mom, Breakfast with someone Grand, Carnival, Math/Literacy Night, etc.)

  • Teachers reach out to families by attending functions and events that are important in the lives of the students

  • Parent Orientation and Meet the Teacher are held at the beginning of the school year

Community Resources

  • School counselor coordinates services with needed community organizations such as our local Weslet Nurse, First Blessing, Thanksgiving Meals

  • Teacher connects families with local programs that will benefit the family such as the weekly English literacy group and Summer Library 

  • School nurse provides information for our families regarding student health

  • Teacher offers activities with community partners such as the local fire department

  • Translate all information for families that speak a language other than English

Family Participation in Decision Making

  • Focus group including families to give feedback on Family Engagement Plan

  • Pre-K families are included in the Parent Teacher Student Association

  • Pre-K families are encouraged to serve as volunteers on the campus

  • Pre-K families serve on our Site-Based Decision Making Committee and provide input through annual surveys

Family Resources to Enhance and Extend Learning

  • Teacher provides families with enrichment activity ideas to reinforce learning at home

  • Teacher provides feedback regarding student growth at parent conferences and shares ways to support that growth

  • Families have access to curriculum information through online resources and have regular feedback through class dojo

  • Teacher creates weekly newsletters including upcoming activities and ideas for learning activities at home

  • Teacher hosts evening reading and math nights for families

Staff Skills

  • Provide dedicated days in the school calendar for teachers to conduct conferences with families, to partner in meeting students’ educational goals

  • Learning and behavior data is shared with families through class dojo, CLI Engage, and Istation platforms

  • Teachers participate in regular professional development to learn about best practices from the early childhood classroom


  • School personnel utilize sign-in sheets to monitor family attendance at events

  • Student growth data is measured and shared with families to ensure effectiveness

  • School personnel engage with families during the annual comprehensive needs assessment process which drives the campus improvement plan


Transition Activities:

  • Support 3-year old families transitioning to 4-year old expectations

  • Support Pre-K students transitioning to Kindergarten (visit the classroom)


Conclusion: The Hunt ISD Pre-K Family Engagement Plan is one strategy our district uses to guide collaborative success.  The positive relationships between staff and families that Hunt ISD promotes, help build a shared understanding of how we can work together to ensure every child will reach their full potential.


For questions or concerns please contact:

Sarah Nichols

Hunt ISD Principal




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